Everyone knows what a credit card is. It is a card that allows you to make purchases, often with the promise of rewards, on credit. But few people know the real purpose of credit cards to build your credit score. One such credit card is Chase secured credit card.
This credit card company records the money you spend on your credit card which is ideal when you do not go into debt. Chase secured credit card serves a variety of purposes. It’s your financial lifeline, your payment method, and your access to a world of rewards. No matter how you use it, the Chase credit card payment method is very secure.
About Chase Credit Card
Chase is an American company that claims to say the company is focused on helping its customers succeed and help customers make the most of their money. Thus, the Chase credit card can be a great option for many such people.
The company Chase serves almost half of the American people proudly with a wide range of services like financial services, mortgages, credit cards, auto financing, and personal banking. Chase upholds their promises of helping its customers succeed as they provide them with investment advice, small businesses loans, and payment processing. They have widespread all over America with a remarkable number of 4700 branches for anyone to reach out to them at the nearest.
How To Apply for Chase Secured Credit Card?
Any person who stays in the geographical location where Visa is accepted can apply for a Chase secured credit card from this link. or you can simply download the Chase secured credit card application form from the official page and fill out the necessary and specific details and submit it back to the same website. You need to fill in details for the credit card like your legal full name, your gross annual income, your mailing address, your employment status, and your phone number.
Chase secured credit card is proud to have 4700 branches all over America giving their customer the liberty of walking into their nearest branch and applying for a credit card and receiving the credit card if he or she is not comfortable with online mode. Once you have visited the nearest branch you will get your credit card in much less time, once you get your card you will receive automated phone service. Finally, when Chase credit card pre-approval check procedures are done your card will be ready to be used!
Key Features of Chase Secured Credit Card
Like any other credit card, Chase has provided better and improved features for their customers for better interaction and safety of their accounts and information. This builds trust with their customer and hence Chase secured credit reviews are great.
Now let us see a few popular features of the Chase credit card.
Facial recognition:
This is an improved feature for the Chase credit card mobile phone app which is mainly provided for customers. There are many credit card apps but as per research, no countable apps have facial recognition. This is a double security system check!
Fingerprint sign-in:
Fingerprint sign-in is a basic and most important feature which has to be compulsorily provided to any app but Chase assures you that their latest technology has made their sign-in to the app through two modes that are as secure as chase.com.
Activity check:
You must be wondering why activity check is a popular feature. Let me tell you like any other bank and any other credit card which provides you with their bank and credit card apps it lets you see all the information about your card and transactions. The same way Chase credit card lets you see all the information but Chase will show you 7 years of bank and credit card statements along with 24 months of transactions.
Card lock and unlock:
In case you misplace your credit card or suspect fraud you just have to log in to your app and block your card. This way you will not provide any chances for new purchases, cash transfers, and balance transfers. Chase has improved their quality and support as you do not have to call up your branch manager or any authorities to block your card and give in details but just block the card through the app.
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Additional Features of Chase Secured Credit Card
Some of the additional features of the Chase credit card include: –
➨ The user of Chase credit card can easily transfer and receive money easily with all security and safety using the app to any person who has a mobile number and email address.
➨ Also, Chase credit card payment gives you an option to set up recurring auto-payments and let the specialists do the rest when it comes to payments of rent, mortgage, utilities, and other bills.
➨ The app gives you a unique feature of just snapping the check through the app to safely deposit the money in your account using Chase Quick Deposit.
➨ You can trust Chase credit cards easily as they are working hard 24/7 to provide you with the best service and safety for your payments and keep your information secure.
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Pros and Cons of Chase Secured Credit Card
One must make a rightful choice and have a rightful thought when he or she is planning to have a credit card as opening a credit card and closing the card both have equal effects. There are very few pros and cons for the Chase credit card. But now let’s talk about the pros and cons of keeping zero-balance credit cards open or closing them down.
- Chase secured credit card max limit is more compared to any other credit card.
- Keeping your chase card even though you’re not using it anymore will help you maintain your credit utilization ratio. The credit utilization ratio is a part of your credit score.
- One must keep his zero-balance account open because it improves the average age of the chase credit card account. This will be a great influence when calculating the Vantage Score credit score.
- Reconsider closing the credit card and check for low-interest rates and perks on chase’s secured credit card because this may offer you cashback rewards and offers you will not regret taking. Maybe just keeping the card without closing it will give you the best and lowest interest rate which won’t be available at the time of need in the future.
As mentioned above there are equal effects on both keeping the card and closing it. There are not many cons regarding Chase’s secured credit cards. Now let us know about the cons.
- No one ever will know the temptation to use a zero-balance chase credit card unless a person experiences it. A person is driven hard by this card to use the card and put himself in debt. We shouldn’t use chase credit cards for bad credit.
- Since the chase credit card max limit is higher than other cards, it is important to reduce taking debts.
- Closing your credit card after using it for less time will not affect your credit score. But closing your credit card after using the card for a long time with a long-time transaction history may affect your credit score.
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Chase secured credit card offers a line of credit for you to use. You must pay back the card if you cannot pay it off in full each month. The interest rate for a secured card is usually much higher than an unsecured card, so it is important to pay your card on time each month to avoid high-interest charges. You can also receive cash advances on a secured card, which are generally more expensive than purchases but can be a good way to get money when you need it.
There are a few ways to use a credit card. You can use the card for purchases, cash advances, or balance transfers. You should use your credit card for purchases if possible. This is the most effective way to use your credit card and improve your credit score.
We hope this article on chase credit card review helped you to know all the required information. Thank you for reading!
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